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On 10-12 May 2017, the LADDER Tool Fair will open in Torun, Poland. This three-days event will enable actors working on Development Education and Awareness Raising (DEAR) and other stakeholders (LAs, CSOs, foundations, institutional & non-institutional actors etc.) active on issues related to sustainable development, poverty eradication, gender issues, climate change:

- to exchange methodologies, practices, experiences and tools, with the aim of raising awareness and achieving sustainable development;

- to share lessons learnt from past DEAR actions;

- to increase the networking among DEAR and non-DEAR stakeholders, and strengthen potential future partnerships between CSOs and LAs;

- to promote the DEAR concept and methodology to other stakeholders;

- to engage in a dialogue on citizens’ participation and engagement for development, - and to address the enabling environment required for local communities to participate & engage.

For more information, please visit: (Own-covered participation costs is very welcome).

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All DEAR-funded projects and other stakeholders working on awareness raising, GCE, DEAR, SDGs localization & related topics are very welcome to join & also contribute to the different sessions & workshops.

For details & more information, contact