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Q&A with Franck Viault, former EU Head of Cooperation in Indonesia

Views from the field: Q&A with Franck Viault, former EU Head of Cooperation in Indonesia

Voices & Views

In recent years, Indonesia has graduated out of bilateral EU development assistance. Franck Viault, who recently finished his post as the Delegation’s Head of Cooperation, explains the different projects and programmes and how...

Environment & green economy
Knowledge Management
Good practices
Timber regulation
Woman being provided with contraceptives

Podcast: Providing contraceptives to 120 million women

Voices & Views

In our first-ever podcast, we look at how one EU-funded programme is attempting to provide 120 million women in developing countries with access to contraceptives.

Women's empowerment
Health in the humanitarian-development nexus
Health Systems Strengthening
Reproductive health care
Knowledge Management
Good practices
Lesson learned and case studies