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Here are two interesting upcoming events organized by the Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DG DEVCO) of the European Commission addressing issues related to the informal economy with regards to vulnerable groups:

  • March 26th: Launch by the EU funded project “Bridging the CAP II” of a series of webinars designed to foster a culture of disability mainstreaming in development cooperation's projects and programmes. The first one is entitled: “Introduction to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: principles and structure”. To register click here. The whole webinar cycle is addressed to development practitioners, in particular staff in EU delegations, national or local institutions and organisations of persons with disabilities.
  • March 21st (next Wednesday): Technical Workshop on Child Labour hosted by DEVCO B3 Unit next Wednesday March 21st. The Workshop entitled “Cocoa an unsavoury sweet” focuses on the Cocoa industry and its labour conditions issues, especially concerning child labour phenomenon. For more info, contact Mrs Maria-Rosa de Paolis.