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"The world needs #Africa and Africa needs the world" - the German Minister of Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and her strategy for Shaping the Future with Africa.

1. "The world needs Africa and Africa needs the world, as was recently noted by Oby Ezekwesili, the human rights advocate and policymaker from #Nigeria. Now we need to join together and give shape to global processes of change. Whether it be global governance, economic growth, poverty and inequality, climate change, technologies, or human and social development – on all of these, the world will make better progress if Africa plays an active role in addressing them. That is my firm belief, because Africa has vast potential and resources." - declares the Minister.

2. There is a wind of change blowing at the Stresemannstraße 94, Berlin, Germany at BMZ HQs. Who knows maybe we have another rock ballad written and sung by Scorpions soon, like that one about the Gorky Park in Moscow. "Where the children of tomorrow dream away / In the wind of change". The Minister has already caused a revolution, namely a feminist one. No doubts that time came at BMZ to #WalktheTalk, in Africa and everywhere.

3. More than words. All in one link about BMZ new attitude of cooperation with Africa ▶️

4. The Lady's rules. The feminist policies of the German BMZ Minister. ▶️