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Capacity Development & Technical Cooperation

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  • The Learning Network on Capacity Development (LenCD) is an informal network aiming to promote and facilitate sharing of lessons and learning on capacity development as well as to promote changes for better practice at the global, regional and local levels.
  • DAC work in the areas of governance and capacity development is carried out primarily through its Network on Governance (GOVNET), an international forum that brings together practitioners of development co-operation agencies, both bilateral and multilateral, as well as experts from partner countries.
  • The Effective Institutions Platform (EIP) is an alliance of over 60 countries and organisations that support country-led and evidence-based policy dialogue, knowledge sharing and peer learning on public sector management and institutional reform.
  • ECPDM (European Centre for Development Policy Management) is a research centre developing interesting work on capacity and technical assistances issues.
  • The IMF Institute for Capacity Development (ICD) was established in 1964 to provide training in economic management to officials of the IMF's member countries. Training is delivered at IMF Headquarters in Washington, D.C., through IMF regional training centers, in collaboration with other regional training institutions and national governments, and through online courses in partnership with EdX.
  • The AfCoP builds African capacity to manage for development results through sharing experiences, networking and learning relationships.
  • ACBF (African Capacity Building Foundation), based in Harare, Zimbabwe, was established in 1991 by three multilateral institutions – the African Development Bank (AfDB), the World Bank and UNDP – African governments and bilateral donors. The site provides access to occasional papers, lessons notes and the findings of operations and thematic research.