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For a full overview on this webinar please click here.
The agenda is for the online launch event of the publication Building Bridges- Capacity Building on Migration and the MIgration EU eXpertise (MIEUX)”, to be published on 15 December 2020, just a few days ahead of International...
This report maps private-sector activities relevant to migrants and explores how private and public-sector actors can engage jointly with migrants at various stages of the migration cycle. It discusses entry points for donors and...
The MIgration EU eXpertise (MIEUX) Initiative is funded by the EU and implemented by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) since December 2008. MIEUX exists to bring together migration-related...
Has the EU been successful in integrating gender into the EU Trust Fund for Africa, one of the main financial instruments through which the EU engages with African partners in the field of migration and displacement? By looking at...
MIEUX has launched a new thematic factsheet on the topic of migration and gender. The factsheet explores the relationship between protection and empowerment of migrant women and girls in the context of policy development and...
This study assesses the impact of refugees and irregular migrants on official development assistance (ODA) in Europe by looking at five case studies: Denmark, the European Union institutions, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden...