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The UN Environment Programme's Brussels Office

Established in April 2001, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP)’s Brussels Office works closely with the EU institutions to increase policy dialogue and build strategic partnerships that fulfill the shared goals of UNEP and the EU.

Veronika Hunt Šafránková is heading the office since April 2019.

Partnership with EU institutions

UNEP has a strong partnership with the EU institutions focused on policy dialogue and programmatic cooperation. In 2004 it signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the European Commission, and a joint statement in 2011. In 2014 UNEP and the European Commission have signed a renewed PDF icon MoU 2014, to which an Annex was added in 2015 spelling out a range of concrete work areas to be implemented jointly through to 2020. In 2021(link is external) the European Commission and UNEP added an Annex to the MoU of 2014 for the cooperation period 2021-2025. The partners look to reinforce existing synergies and introduce fresh areas of action in light of developments in the global environmental agenda, including the European Green Deal.

UN Environment works closely with the European Parliament and the European Economic and Social Committee and has memorandum of understandings with the Committee of the Regions, the Joint Research Centre, and the European Environmental Agency.

Engaging major groups & stakeholders

UNEP is pleased to work with a number of major groups & stakeholders active on environment for development in Brussels, both outside and inside the environment and development sectors.

UNEP's Brussels Office contact details

  • Boulevard du Regent 37-40, 1000 Brussels
  • Tel: +32 2 213 30 50
  • E-mail:

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