Human Rights Based Approach - HRBA Toolbox
The EU has updated its 2014 Toolbox on the rights based approach (RBA) in line with its commitments to the Sustainable Development Goals and to reducing all forms of inequalities, including gender inequality.
The renewed human rights based approach (HRBA) will help make interventions more inclusive and sustainable. It applies to the programming, design and implementation of all sectors of EU external action, as also called for by NDICI–Global Europe, the new financing instrument for 2021-2027.
The approach puts forward five working principles, equally relevant for both the processes and aims of EU external action:
-Applying all human rights for all
-Meaningful and inclusive participation and access to decision-making
-Non-discrimination and equality
-Accountability and rule of law for all
-Transparency and access to information supported by disaggregated data
Gender equality should be mainstreamed throughout.
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