Supporting Public Health Institutes Programme - SPHIP

For the last sixrteen years, my experience has been a combination of Communication, Knowledge Translation, Advocacy and International Cooperation for Development. I provide guidance and support on Communication and Advocacy plans for policy or practice. I do it in distance and in the field to projects from Africa, Asia, and Latin America. My tasks imply developing the communication and advocacy plans and improving the digital and conventional communication tools of the projects. These tools can be policy dialogues, consultation workshops, briefs, pagers, impact stories, press releases, infographics, brochures, dialogues, social media strategies (e.g., twitter and LinkedIn), websites development (e.g., UX-UI, SEO, using google analytics, etc.), or e-newsletters. I speak English, Spanish and French and have an intermediate level of both Italian and Portuguese. I also experiment with innovative tools coming from Theory U, Teal, Holacracy, etc, to connect people and organisations more meaningful.
Supporting Public Health Institutes Programme - SPHIP
A group to exchange best practices between SPHIP projects
Supporting Public Health Institutes Programme - SPHIP
A group to exchange best practices between SPHIP projects
The Prevention and Screening Innovation Project Toward Elimination of Cervical Cancer (PRESCRIP-TEC) is a three-year project (February 2021 – January 2024) that focuses its research on increasing the adoption of cervical cancer