Secretary General of a regional employers organization from EuroMed countries of 25 members
Secretary General of a regional employers organization from EuroMed countries of 25 members
SOLiD-South Mediterranean Social Dialogue is a three-year programme (2016-2018) with a budget of 3.750 million Euros, funded up to 80% by the European Union. It is coordinated by a consortium of 10 partners. The major political
EBSOMED (Enhancing Business Support Organisations and Business Networks in the Southern Neighbourhood) is project co-financed by the European Union and coordinated by BUSINESSMED (Union of Mediterranean Confederations of
The Business Country Desk, BCD, is an initiative designed by BUSINESSMED and is one of the key instruments implemented in the framework of the EBSOMED project (an EU co-funded project), in accordance with its action line “MED Link
SOLiD-South Mediterranean Social Dialogue is a three-year programme (2016-2018) with a budget of 3.750 million Euros, funded up to 80% by the European Union. It is coordinated by a consortium of 10 partners. The major political
EBSOMED (Enhancing Business Support Organisations and Business Networks in the Southern Neighbourhood) is project co-financed by the European Union and coordinated by BUSINESSMED (Union of Mediterranean Confederations of