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Our Food, Our Future - Over 400 people in Hungary eat more sustainable diets thanks to support groups organised by the project. 


Changing habits is a challenge and going at it alone can make the struggle even harder. Support groups are effective means to change behaviours. Among other ways of sensitising people across Europe, in Hungary, the DEAR project "OurFood, OurFuture" created EcoTeams to encourage planet-friendly food consumption. Over six weeks, each EcoTeam brought together five to ten people who helped one another adopt new and more sustainable shopping and eating practices. They also encouraged the same in their families and communities.

The EcoTeams led to over 400 people changing their diets. "Our Food, Our Future" trained 82 coaches who then set up EcoTeams across Hungary. 90% of all EcoTeam participants reported healthier consumption habits - for the planet and themselves: 23% eat more fruit and vegetables, 23% halved their food waste, and 16% eat less meat. Some also started composting and growing their own herbs and vegetables. Their stories were covered by six national radio stations and 11 online portals, including “”. A podcast on the successful EcoTeams is available on Spotify.

See more in the EcoTeam workbook.

For an overview of DEAR Programme impact, read other Stories of Change

Picture: An EcoTeam in Hungary. ©EU - Our Food, Our Future, 2022