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Posted on EU4Digital

With the launch of a new activity to support women mentorship programmes in the tech sector in the Eastern partner countries, EU4Digital has carried out a campaign highlighting the project’s support for ICT Innovation, with a focus on the importance of promoting women in tech.

The campaign, which was promoted in local press and through social media, was built around a series of stories developed in cooperation with local media partners. These highlighted women in IT in the Eastern partner countries, the challenges they face, how they broke through the gender barriers, and the measures taken to support them, at national level, but also with the support of international partners including the European Union and its EU4Digital initiative.

You can read the stories here:

Through a series of infographic videos, social media posts highlighted the importance of ICT Innovation and the challenges faced by women in the sector, as well as showcasing successful women in tech.

The campaign also promoted the work of the ICT Innovation stream with a factsheet outlining activities in key areas, and highlighted  EU4Digital support for selected ICT Innovation policy areas in each of the six partner countries, publishing a series of articles highlighting EU best practices, and publishing policy recommendations for each country.