Ukraine suffers extensive devastation, with industries and buildings in urban areas significantly damaged due to shelling. The reconstruction of infrastructure and the revitalization of the economy demand a forward-thinking...
The exact dates and more information on the topics will follow. For questions relating to the EU-Nigeria Business Forum , please email Updated on 06/12/2023
Dates are TBC. More information on the topics will follow. For questions relating to the EU-Nepal Business Forum, please email Updated on 22/02/2024
Registrations are open online . Sectors: farming, food processing, packaging, logistics. For questions relating to the 2nd Iraqi National Trade Forum, please email or
The exact dates and more information on the topics will follow. For more information regarding the EU-Argentina Business Forum please email . Updated on 29/11/2023.
Since February 2018 NTU International A/S is leading the implementation the project “Capacity Building for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency – Feasibility Studies and Demonstration Projects”, funded by the European Union (EU)
EBSOMED (Enhancing Business Support Organisations and Business Networks in the Southern Neighbourhood) is project co-financed by the European Union and coordinated by BUSINESSMED (Union of Mediterranean Confederations of
Dans le cadre de la Journée mondiale de l'environnement 2023, Capacity4dev a interviewé l'équipe derrière le projet InTex financé par l'UE et mis en œuvre par le Programme des Nations Unies pour l'environnement (PNUE).