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Posted on DiversiNEET

Today, we share with you an interview about the refugees situation in Ovcha Kupel, refugee camp in Sofia.

What is the life in the refugee camp in Ovcha Kupel, Bulgaria?

Just passing near the refugee camp in Ovcha Kupel Bulgaria is kind of scary and makes you turn your head the other way. I think this is part of the reason why not many people have visited or have any information about the life inside the walls. Entering the building – the first thing you feel is misery, coldness and sadness in a way. The way everything looks is like abandoned and lost life. Like there is no tomorrow in a way. And that is the worst thing, because all of those people, came here in order to find a better tomorrow for themselves. At the end of the day, at least there are no bombs going over their heads, but still, is this life some would ask? So the life in the refugee camp is not a real life. It is more like a competition for survival, you know like the ones on TV. So the life is simple and miserable in the same way – you have a roof over your head and some kind of bed, you get food and if you are lucky enough medical care and vaccines. This is if you arrive at the right time. If not you just wait. Most rooms are super basic, but that is what you get here.

You can read all the interview here. 

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