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Uganda had become the third largest refugee-hosting country in Africa, after Ethiopia and Kenya, with more than half a million refugees by 2015. That number is growing drastically. 


Alongside ongoing crises in Burundi and DRC, violence in South Sudan has driven more refugees to Uganda during three weeks in July than in the first six months of 2016.
The overwhelming refugee population is partly explained by Uganda’s less stringent refugee policy. Uganda has a liberal and generous refugee policy. With the enactment and coming into force of the 2006 Refugee Act, refugees in Uganda are, under section 28, entitled to internationally recognized refugee rights including the right to work under Section 29(1) (VI), and freedom of movement in Uganda under Section 30. Refugees in Uganda are entitled to the same rights as nationals with respect to practicing their religion and are entitled to elementary education for which they must, under Section 29, receive the same treatment as nationals. Read more here.

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