The general objective of the EuroJusticia project is to contribute to national efforts to combat the impunity of corruption and violent crimes, and to guarantee the access of the Honduran population to an efficient justice system that can be an effective, transparent and reliable, promoter of social equity. The specific objective of the EuroJusticia program is to accompany the reform of the Security and Justice sector in Honduras, supporting the development of the institutional capacities of these sectors to guarantee an efficient and effective public service, within a framework of transparency and accountability.
The expected results are the following:
Result 1: The persecution and condemnation of corruption and violent crime affecting Honduran citizens has been strengthened.
Result 2: Increased access to justice for vulnerable groups, through better service to the citizen.
Result 3: Strengthen the mechanisms of audit, internal control and social oversight of the justice operators.
Technical assistance accompanies and advises these processes, contributing to the strengthening of the institutional capacities of the entities involved in the judicial and security sector. The project has a length of 57 months, and has three main experts, and 2,772 days for short-term consultancies. The Program is directly directed and managed by the Judicial Branch of Honduras - being its main beneficiary, although other organizations also receive support and assistance (through grants).
Overall objective: The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the national efforts to combat the impunity on corruption and violent crimes, and to ensure access of the Honduran population to an efficient, effective, transparent and accountable justice in order to promote social equity.
Specific objective: The objective aims at "monitoring the reform of the security and justice sector in Honduras, supporting the development of institutional capacity to ensure an efficient and effective public service, within a framework of transparency and accountability".