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Armenia - Resilient Syunik

Team Europe Initiative


The main objective of Resilient Syunik Team Europe Initiative is to contribute to the sustainable socioeconomic and institutional development of the Syunik region. In particular, it aims to contribute to:

  • improved business environment for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and enhanced private sector competitiveness,
  • improved access to high quality, people-centric public services,
  • prioritization of green regional development and increased protection, sustainable use and restoration of biodiversity.

The Resilient Syunik TEI has an approximate five-year budget of €116 million and focuses on 8 thematic pillars:

  1. MSME development, aiming to contribute to
  • Improved capacities of start-ups, MSMEs and social enterprises
  • Increased availability of non-financial services supporting businesses
  • Increased access to financial services and products to support innovative and sustainable investments by start-ups, MSMEs and social enterprises
  1. Skills and employability, aiming to contribute to
  • Enhanced employability and business skills for young people and vulnerable groups (including displaced people)
  1. Education, aiming to contribute to
  • Improved access to formal and extracurricular education for students in Syunik
  • Improved career skills for young people
  1. Social services, aiming to contribute to
  • Improved access to community-based social services for vulnerable groups
  1. Sustainable and green public infrastructure,  aiming to contribute to
  • Improved infrastructure for public service delivery
  • Increased investment in sustainable and green public infrastructure
  1. Good local governance and citizen engagement, aiming to contribute to
  • Increased ability of the local communities to plan and implement local economic development programmes
  • Improved capacity of local governments for efficient and transparent delivery of public services
  • Improved participation of citizens
  1. Green agriculture, aiming to contribute to
  • Improved green agriculture practices
  • Increased sustainable agricultural and livestock production capacity
  1. Sustainable management of natural resources, aiming to contribute to
  • Improved deforestation-free climate-smart and ecosystem-based natural resource management practices

The initiative has an approximate five-year budget of €51 million.

Team Europe Actors


Geographical area


Thematic priority

Green deal
Sustainable growth and jobs
Human Development


1. No Poverty
4. Quality Education
6. Clean Water and Sanitation
7. Affordable and Clean Energy
16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions