Team Europe Initiatives Regional and global TEIs Africa - EU Green Energy Initiative Digital for Development (D4D) for Digital Economy and Society in Sub-Saharan Africa Digital Health - Africa EU - Central Asia Digital Connectivity Five great forests of Mesoamerica Global Green Bond Initiative (GGBI) Green Blue Alliance for the Pacific Green Initiative TEI in Partnership with ASEAN/South-East Asia Green transition - EUROCLIMA Latin America and the Caribbean Investing in Young Businesses in Africa (IYBA) Jobs through Trade and Investment in the Southern Neighbourhood Manufacturing and Access to Vaccines, Medicines and health technology products in Africa Promoting Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) in the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific Sustainable Connectivity in ASEAN Transboundary Water Management in Africa Water-Energy-Climate Change in Central Asia Country TEIs Angola - Economic diversification Argentina - Sustainable Business Armenia - Resilient Syunik Bangladesh - Decent Work Bangladesh - Green Energy Transition Benin - Investing for a sustainable port Benin - Investing in Green Energy Benin - Sustainable Growth & Jobs Bolivia - Green and Resilient Development Brazil - Green Deal Burkina Faso - Green Deal for youth Burkina Faso - Inclusion for Stability Burundi - Energy Cabo Verde - Green Deal Cambodia - green energy and industrial value chains Cambodia - Sustainable Landscapes, Forests and Agriculture Cameroon - Green Deal and resilience in North Cameroon Chile - Low Carbon Colombia - Green Alliance Congo (Brazzaville) - Partnership for forests Congo (Kinshasa) - Green Alliance Costa Rica - Green Development Cote d'Ivoire - Low Carbon Cote d'Ivoire - Sustainable Cacao Djibouti - clean and prosperous by 2027 Djibouti - Governance for development Dominican Republic - Green and Sustainable Transition Ecuador - Sustainable Economy Egypt - Digital, Energy and Transport Egypt - Integrated Water and Food Security El Salvador - Digital Jobs Gabon - Green economy and sustainable jobs Gambia - Environment and Climate Change Georgia - Economic Development Georgia - Environment and Health Ghana - Smart, Green and Digital Recovery Guatemala - Economic growth Guatemala - Environment Guinea - Green and Blue Economy Guyana/Suriname - Forest Partnership Jordan - Sustainable Water Management Kenya - Digital Kenya - Green Deal Laos - Green Deal Lesotho - Green Deal Liberia - Safe and Sustainable Food Systems Madagascar - Sustainable and Renewable Energy Malawi - Good Governance Mali - Environment and Climate Change Mali - Youth Mauritania - Green and Blue Economy Mauritius - Green Recovery Mexico - Green Transition Moldova - Raising awareness and Media Mongolia - Sustainable Nature Resource Management and Value Chain Development Morocco - Gender equality Morocco - Green transition Mozambique - E-Youth Mozambique - Green Deal Nepal - Green Recovery Nigeria - Green Economy Pakistan - Green Economy & Jobs Palestine - Inclusive Growth & Jobs Palestine - Water Resources Management Papua New Guinea - Environment Paraguay - Green Alliance Peru - Circular Transition Philippines - Digital Philippines - Green Recovery Rwanda - Agricultural Transformation Rwanda - Sustainable cities Senegal - Green Economy Sierra Leone - Green Pact Somalia - Green Deal South Africa - Green Deal South Africa - Jobs for the future Sri Lanka - Green Recovery Sudan - Agri-food Value Chains: Vector to Food Security and rural livelihoods’ resilience Tanzania - Blue Economy Tanzania - Green and Smart Cities SASA*! Togo - Decentralisation and Local Governance Togo - Sustainable Agribusiness Togo - Sustainable Energy & Digitalisation Tunisia - Investment Tunisia - Water Uganda - Demography and Social Inclusion Uganda - Sustainable Business Uruguay - Environment Uzbekistan - Agri-food sector & Livelihoods Vietnam - Circular Economy Vietnam - Decent Jobs & Skills Zambia - Human Development Zambia - Inclusive Green Growth Zimbabwe - Agriculture and Resilience Zimbabwe - Gender Equality