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Benin - Investing in Green Energy

Team Europe Initiative


Investir dans l’energie verte

The Transformational Potential includes:

  • Development of renewable sources of energy and energy efficiency
  • Development of a sustainable port economy
  • Reduction of the environmental and climate footprint, increase in productivity and job creation
  • Development of other innovative and productive initiatives in key sectors such as the agricultural and the digital ones
  • Regional cooperation within the West African Electricity Exchange System, ECOWAS, the West African Economic and Monetary Union and the African Union.
  • Sustainable energy: Regional cooperation instrument within the West African Power Pool

The Team Europe Proposal activities:

1. Support for renewable energies and energy efficiency. Sectorial  support through:

  • Promotion of investments in the private - public partnerships
  • Integration of green sources of energy in key sectors

2. Specific support:

  • Addressing the gap of access to energy 
  • Digitization of key sectors
  • Job creation & training for the needs of growing sectors
  • Priority in integrating gender issues, youth employment and North-South exchanges.


Team Europe Actors

EU Member states

Other Team Europe Actors


Geographical area


Thematic priority

Green deal
Human Development


5. Gender Equality
7. Affordable and Clean Energy