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Egypt - Digital, Energy and Transport

Team Europe Initiative


Connected Economy and Society in Egypt

The Transformational Potential: To enhance access to digital, transport and energy services to the most vulnerable segments of society including migrants and ensure the mainstreaming of the gender perspective in all investments as well as the involvement of SMEs in these sectors.

The Team Europe Proposal:

1. Support the Government of Egypt (GoE) - Pillar 1: Connected Digital Society:

  • Governance, policy, and regulatory frameworks. 
  • Develop infrastructure and support universal access to enhanced, affordable and secure networks. 
  • Digital literacy, skills and entrepreneurship. 
  • Digital services.

2. Offer the utmost transformative impact on the country - Pillar 2: Sustainable Mobility and Connectivity:

  • Interconnectivity: integrated multi-modal mobility system.
  • Sustainable and smart mobility.
  • Enabling private sector involvement in the sector.
  • Investments and mainstreaming the gender perspective.

3. Help Egypt achieving its energy transition - Pillar 3: Energy connectivity:

  • Renewable energy (RE) sources
  • New Wind Atlas in Egypt.
  • Production, trade, and transport of gases (hydrogen).
  • Batteries and modern storage technologies. 
  • Digitalization of the energy system(s).
  • Increase electrification of the economy
  • Cross-border power-grid interconnections and new “grid communities”.
  • Investment and mainstreaming the gender perspective.


Team Europe Actors

EU Member states

Other Team Europe Actors


Geographical area


Thematic priority

Green deal
Science, Technology, Innovation and Digital
Governance, Peace and Security


3. Good Health and Well-being
4. Quality Education
5. Gender Equality
7. Affordable and Clean Energy
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
10. Reduced Inequality
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
12. Responsible Consumption and Production
13. Climate Action
16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions