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Cameroon - Green Deal and resilience in North Cameroon

Team Europe Initiative


«Pacte vert et résilience dans le Septentrion  au Cameroun» : Une approche territoriale  comme élément de réponse aux enjeux  socio-économiques du Septentrion au Cameroun

The Transformational Potential aims at:

  • Poverty reduction
  • Improved conditions of life
  • Inclusive territory governance
  • Reduction of territorial inequalities

The Team Europe Initiative focus on three regions of the North of Cameroon. The Priority areas of intervention include:

  • Adaptation and resilience to climate change
  • Territory Development, concerted management of resources within the framework of the NaturAfrica Initiative
  • Support to food systems, agricultural and animal production
  • Economic opportunities, women empowerment and sustainable job creation for youth



Team Europe Actors

EU Member states

Other Team Europe Actors

Geographical area


Thematic priority

Green deal
Governance, Peace and Security


2. Zero Hunger
4. Quality Education
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
13. Climate Action