Team Europe Initiatives Regional and global TEIs Africa - EU Green Energy Initiative Green Blue Alliance for the Pacific Promoting Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) in the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific Country TEIs Bangladesh - Decent Work Bangladesh - Green Energy Transition Bolivia - Green and Resilient Development Brazil - Green Deal Burkina Faso - Green Deal for youth Cameroon - Green Deal and resilience in North Cameroon Colombia - Green Alliance Congo (Kinshasa) - Green Alliance Cote d'Ivoire - Sustainable Cacao Egypt - Integrated Water and Food Security Kenya - Digital Kenya - Green Deal Laos - Green Deal Madagascar - Sustainable and Renewable Energy Mali - Environment and Climate Change Mali - Youth Mozambique - Green Deal Nigeria - Green Economy Palestine - Inclusive Growth & Jobs Papua New Guinea - Environment Paraguay - Green Alliance Peru - Circular Transition Senegal - Green Economy South Africa - Green Deal Togo - Sustainable Agribusiness Uganda - Sustainable Business Vietnam - Circular Economy