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Palestine - Inclusive Growth & Jobs

Team Europe Initiative


Sustainable Growth, Jobs and Resilience

The Transformational Potential: to contribute to Palestinian sustainable and inclusive economic development, while providing a comprehensive socio-economic response to the impact of COVID-19 and to the recovery needs generated by May 2021 Gaza hostilities.  

The Team Europe Proposal:

1. Business environment: policy dialogue with PA, private sector, and triangulation with Israel (cross-cutting).
2. Mobilization of finance and investments, cross-cutting: EU-Palestine Investment Platform; EU External Investment Plan.
3. Green economy programme: Green hub – trade exchange; Green and smart agribusiness.
4. Digital transformation, joint Digital Response Strategy design and implementation: digital infrastructures, digital platforms, digital finance, digital entrepreneurship, digital skills
5. Entrepreneurship: skills development, new market opportunities, entrepreneurship ecosystem reinforcement.
6. Resilience (coordinate, scale up and promote): current interventions; humanitarian/development nexus, sustainable livelihood, poverty graduation, youth entrepreneurship.
7. Trade programme: policy, standards, export, competitiveness, infrastructures; trilateral dialogue; Israel - PA Confidence Building Measures.


Team Europe Actors

Geographical area


Thematic priority

Green deal
Science, Technology, Innovation and Digital
Sustainable growth and jobs
Governance, Peace and Security


1. No Poverty
4. Quality Education
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
10. Reduced Inequality
13. Climate Action