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Africa - EU Green Energy Initiative

Team Europe Initiative


The Transformational Potential:

  • Contributing to a higher share of renewable energy sources in primary energy production in African countries.
  • Increase the number of African people gaining access to affordable, reliable and sustainable energy services.
  • Promote energy efficiency in Africa.

The Team Europe Proposal:

Continental level:

  • Strategic follow-up of AEGEI.
  • Promote Continent to Continent high-level contacts and policy, visibility and effectiveness.
  • Inclusive multi-stakeholder forum for policy dialogue and capacity development.
  • Promote harmonised approach on Team Europe and knowledge management.
  • Increase cooperation between SSA DG INTPA and North Africa DG NEAR actions.

Regional level:

  • Regional project pipeline and database on regional and national EU projects.
  • Coordinate the selection, financing and implementation of regional energy projects.
  • EU development assistance to mobilise private sector capital and technology (green transition).
  • Reinforce the TE members cooperation and interaction with multilateral and regional organisations on sustainable energy.
  • Partner countries and organisations dialogue.
  • Information exchange among TE actors. 

Country level: 

  • Maintain project pipelines, coordinate the selection of projects, ensure effective information flows.
  • Policy and TA support coordination.
  • Information exchange among TE actors. 
  • Ensure coherence and complementarity between regional and national actions.

Geographic coverage: the energy cooperation with Africa including the North Africa countries.


Team Europe Actors


Geographical area

Sub-Saharan Africa

Thematic priority

Green deal


7. Affordable and Clean Energy
12. Responsible Consumption and Production