Economic Green Recovery Through Circular and Bio-Economy
The Transformational Potential includes:
- Development of an inclusive and sustainable economy, in coherence with Ecuador’s climate commitments
- Stimulating green innovation and productivity
- Facilitating sustainable public and private investments for a green transition
The Team Europe Proposal activities include:
- Increase productivity in alignment with environmental and social standards, networks of innovation and entrepreneurship
- Promote sound public policies and regulatory framework on research, innovation, and technology transfer
- Foster international cooperation and research networks with European universities and research centres
- Promote innovation HUBs and technology transfer, I+D+I development fund
- Support training - technical careers and VET
- Strengthen and optimize public investment
- Provide regulatory development support
- Develop new (green) financing tools with local public banks
- Finance public investments - decarbonisation and climate mitigation and adaptation credits
- Accelerate and leverage sustainable private sector investments
- Complementary measures in a “COVID-19” green recovery context
- Support the local healthcare system response to the COVID-19 pandemic