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Digital for Development (D4D) for Digital Economy and Society in Sub-Saharan Africa

Team Europe Initiative


Transformational potential:

Support the digital transformation in Africa by fostering multi-stakeholder dialogue, joint partnerships, and investments in the digital domain.

The Team Europe Proposal:

1. Strengthen EU coordination on D4D (D4D Hub Africa Branch):

  • Exchange information on projects (D4D Hub label);
  • Identify TEIs with a thematic and/or geographic scope;
  • Supporting the EU-AU dialogue on digital, joint engagement;
  • Localize the global D4D Hub strategy;
  • Promote dialogue with EU and African private sector actors, academia and think tanks;
  • Thematic working groups.

2. Engage in Africa-Europe strategic dialogue:

  • Annual multi-stakeholder forum.

3. Support the digital transformation in Africa under the Team Europe umbrella:

  • Jointly defined priority areas;
  • Thematic working groups - Project identification/ formulation by each development partner;
  • Co-financing and/or joint implementation of actions;
  • Joint investments.

4. D4D Hub Labelled Support (coherent framework of actions) to:

  • Monitoring, clear and agreed benchmarks;
  • Assure complementarity, coherence, and coordination at EU level;
  • Assess additionally and accurate accounting;
  • Mapping of relevant interventions.

Team Europe Actors


Geographical area

Sub-Saharan Africa

Thematic priority

Science, Technology, Innovation and Digital


4. Quality Education
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
5. Gender Equality