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Morocco - Green transition

Team Europe Initiative


En appui de la transition verte au Maroc

The Transformational Potential:

  • The Green Transition to “Build Back Better”
  • Support to the implementation of the Green Deal between the EU and Morocco
  • The decarbonization of the country, the green transition, and the promotion of a resilient and sustainable economy

The Team Europe Proposal, includes support to the implementation of the Green Deal between the EU and Morocco through policy dialogue and technical assistance to flight with climate change, energy transition, environmental protection, and promotion of the green economy.

1. Green energies development: reform of the electricity market; development of the certified green hydrogen sector; support to infrastructure development - integration of renewable energies (solar, wind and hydro)

2. Energy consumption reduction: energy efficiency in buildings; circular industrial production; Smart and sustainable mobility.

3. Building resilience in vulnerable sectors: sustainable soil and water management, green cities – supporting decarbonization.

Team Europe Actors

EU Member states

Other Team Europe Actors


Geographical area


Thematic priority

Green deal
Sustainable growth and jobs
Governance, Peace and Security


4. Quality Education
9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure