Investing in Sustainable and Inclusive Agricultural Transformation
Transformational Potential:
- Lead an innovative, sustainable and inclusive transformation through a shift towards market-oriented high value cropping systems geared towards feeding the cities
- Foster the creation of improved and climate-resilient food systems and value chains, targeted to the urban markets in the region, to increase farmers’ incomes and create jobs
- Contribute to enhanced food safety, as well as food and nutrition security through a more resilient agriculture as well as the enhanced availability of more diverse and more nutritious food
The Team Europe Proposal activities include:
- Climate resilient productive infrastructures in Kigali and secondary cities
- Access to local, regional and international/EU markets
- Support to key actors along the value chain
- Expansion of the Kigali Special Economic Zone, specifically on agri-business services
- Advancement of economic regional integration
- Promotion of EU private investment and knowledge transfer (food safety and sustainability standards)
- Support to digital innovation