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Tunisia - Investment

Team Europe Initiative


Investissement en Tunisie

The Transformational Potential:

  • Integration into the global economy in the spirit of green and digital transition
  • Reduction of inequalities through job creation and the integration of youth and women into the labor market

The Team Europe Proposal:

1. Promoting quality and sustainable public and private investments, job creation, supporting local development, ecological transition, and economic diversification.

2. Improving the business climate and the general investment framework (46 projects representing a volume of EUR 489 million) Improving economic infrastructure for a resilient and carbon-neutral economy (34 projects representing a volume of EUR 2,063 million):

  • Public services for businesses and the governance of public investment are more efficient and more transparent.
  • The legislative framework , regulatory and administrative promotes investments that create sustainable and inclusive jobs in priority sectors
  • Economic operators in the private sector benefit from better access to markets

3. Improving economic infrastructure for a resilient and carbon-neutral economy (34 projects representing a volume of EUR 2063 million):

  • The transition to low-carbon energy production and reduced energy consumption is accelerated
  • Goods transport as well as urban and inter-urban mobility of citizens/businesses are improved
  • Citizens/businesses have access to quality digital infrastructure throughout Tunisian territory

4. Improved access to financing and support for the private sector and more particularly VSEs/SMEs (43 projects representing a volume of 722 million EUR)

  • VSEs/SMEs benefit from better access to conventional financing ( banks, leasing, microcredits) adapted to their needs for creation/development
  • The offer of alternative financing instruments adapted to the emergence and development of VSEs/SMEs has increased
  • Quality training and technical support are provided available to VSEs/SMEs

Team Europe Actors

EU Member states

Other Team Europe Actors


Geographical area


Thematic priority

Green deal
Sustainable growth and jobs
Governance, Peace and Security


8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure