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Working Better Together in a Team Europe Approach

Updated 15/07/2024 | Working Better Together in a Team Europe Approach through joint programming, joint implementation and Team Europe Initiatives Guidance

Table of contents

2.1 Checklist for moving ahead with joint implementation modalities

□ Ensure that, based on mapping analysis, the joint programming process discusses participating partners’ ambitions for future joint implementation. Consider the potential for institutionalising joint analysis, reviews and evaluations.

□ Ensure that the partner government is included in the early conceptualisation of the joint programming and TEI processes to allow for alignment with the national priorities and needs.

□ Ensure that the expertise of implementing development organisations is fed into the local joint analysis process for a more strategic use of joint implementation; reflect on practices and impacts, such as enhancing national and local capacities; contribute to national and local ownership, enhancing policy leverage and contributing to new or strengthened partnerships; process to prepare the ground.

□ Consider linking the priority sectors identified in the joint programming document with appropriate types of joint implementation.

□ Discuss with the national governments, e.g. line ministries, the benefits of future joint implementation arrangements and seek their feedback on any current joint implementation modalities.

□ Consider setting up a Team Europe approach Focal Point in the EU Delegation to coordinate joint programming, TEIs and joint implementation.

□ Ensure alignment with existing national development strategies as identified during the conceptualisation stage and seek subsequent validation by the partner country.

□ Review the value of different joint implementation partnerships, for example between the development partners (EU, Member States agencies or international organisations, other like-minded development partners) and the partner country.

□ Document how the joint analysis was carried out and include a summary of its main results for future knowledge management.

□ Include a description and plan of actions to be financed jointly or separately by EU/Member States/likeminded funds.

□ Include a log-frame that incorporates a complete monitoring and results framework, developed jointly by the contracting sides and based on the country results framework if existing, and delineate the role of the partner country.

□ Include a description of how a joint evaluation – based on the results framework – will be carried out with the partner country’s involvement and how the results of joint evaluations will be used to nurture joint programming and joint implementation.