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Working Better Together in a Team Europe Approach

Updated 15/07/2024 | Working Better Together in a Team Europe Approach through joint programming, joint implementation and Team Europe Initiatives Guidance

Table of contents

3.2 Indicators for aggregate reporting and public information on TEI results

A limited list of indicators – presented in Table 1 – will guide and structure aggregated reporting on TEI results, at regional and/or global levels and provide public information. These indicators will be additional and complement the indicators used for the individual reporting, where possible and relevant.

It is recommended that TEIs working in a certain priority area select at least one outcome/output indicator and one impact level indicator from this list (Table 1) if relevant for their activities. In case indicators for aggregated reporting are selected, TEI shall include them in the JIL and collect and report data for the outcome/output indicator(s). As a general principle, data for all outcome/output indicators counting individuals will be disaggregated by sex, age group and disability status where possible and relevant.

In relation to any indicator in Table 1, TEI can also provide qualitative data in the form of Stories of Change that their TEI contributed to, following the template provided in Annex 4. These stories will illustrate the TEI’s contribution to the policy objectives and impact outlined in the Joint Intervention Logic and the added value of working in a TE approach. They can be submitted even if no quantitative data is provided by the TEI.

It is recommended that TEIs consider submitting quantitative data and a qualitative Story of Change, if possible.

The selection of indicators for aggregate reporting and public information on TEI results is based on the following criteria:

  • Enabling key messages on EU and MS engagement for all Priority Areas.
  • For impact, using mostly SDG indicators and a few similar ones from the World Bank, UNESCO, etc. All of these indicators are also part of the Global Europe Results Framework and the IPA Performance Framework.
  • For outcomes/outputs, NDICI Global Europe Regulation Annex VI Indicators that are included in the Global Europe Results Framework, IPA Performance Framework, and MS frameworks where available.
  • Other frequently used indicators, including MS core indicators and/or in the Global Europe Results Framework and IPA Performance Framework. Among those, some are common for the EFSD+ Results Measurement Framework.

In addition to these indicators selected for joint reporting with MS, data from other GERF, IPA Performance Framework and EFSD+ indicators can also be featured in the aggregate reports on TEI results. Similarly, data from indicators used by MS for their internal institutional reporting can also be integrated in TEI reports, as long as it is limited to TEI interventions. To minimise data collection burden, fully or partially matching indicators from MS and EU frameworks have been included in Annex 6 (part 2).

Indicators presented in Table 1 and Stories of Change will be used by the Commission for the annual report on aggregated TEI results (see Section 4.2).

Table 11: MORE framework indicators.



Green Deal
Renewable Energy Climate Change Ecosystem Protection Sustainable Agriculture
Impact level GERF/IPA PF/SDG 7.2.1 
Renewable energy share in the total final energy consumption


CO2 emission per unit of value added

GERF/SDG 15.5.1 
Red List Index

GERF/SDG 2.3.2 
Average income of small-scale food producers, by sex and indigenous status

(SDG Tier II)

Outcome/ output level158 Renewable energy generation capacity installed (MW) with TEI support (NDICI/GERF, IPA PF, EFSD+159) Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions avoided (tonnes CO2eq) with TEI support (NDICI/GERF, IPA III/IPA PF, EFSD+)

Areas benefiting from programmes for improving biodiversity and sustainable management of natural resources, including land, marine and freshwater areas – in ha (French – AFD – indicator)

NB: the following two NDICI/GERF indicators would contribute data from EU-funded interventions: Areas of terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems under (a) protection, (b) sustainable management with TEI support and Marine areas under a) protection, b) sustainable management with EU support, both in km2 (NDICI/GERF, IPA III/IPA PF)

Number of smallholders reached by TEI160 (Belgian – BIO – indicator)

NB: the following NDICI/GERF indicator would contribute data from EU-funded interventions: Number of smallholders reached with EU interventions aimed to increase their sustainable production, access to markets and/or security of land (NDICI/GERF, IPA PF, EFSD+)



Sustainable Growth & Jobs, including Digital Transition
VET Financial Services Jobs
Impact level

Proportion of youth (aged 15- 24 years) not in education, employment or training

GERF/SDG 17.8.1

Proportion of individuals using the Internet

GERF/ IPA PF/SDG 8.10.2 
Proportion of adults with an account at a bank or other financial institution or with a mobile-money-service provider

WB Doing Business distance to frontier score

Unemployment rate, by sex, age and persons with disabilities
Outcome/ output level158

Number of people who participated in VET training (French – AFD – indicator)

NB: the following NDICI/GERF indicator would contribute data from EU-funded interventions: Number of people who have benefited from institution or workplace based VET/skills development interventions supported by TEI:

(a) all VET/skills development,

(b) only VET/skills development for digitalisation (NDICI, GERF/IPA PF)

Number of beneficiaries with access to financial services with TEI support: (a) firms, (b) people (all financial services), (c) people (digital financial services) (not NDICI but EFSD+, GERF and IPA PF) Number of (a) jobs, (b) green jobs supported/ sustained by TEI interventions (not NDICI but EFSD+, GERF and IPA PF)
  Migration Governance, Peace & Security
    Peacebuilding Governance
Impact level

GERF/SDG 10.7.4 
Proportion of the population who are refugees, by country of origin

IPA PF Number of refugees and asylum-seekers of concern to the UNHCR by situation


Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) Global Peace Index


WB Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) Rule of Law Score

IPA PF Voice and Accountability score

Outcome/ output level162 Number of migrants, refugees, and internally displaced people or individuals from host communities protected or assisted with TEI support (NDICI/GERF) Number of people directly benefiting from TEI interventions that specifically aim to support civilian post-conflict peace-building and/or conflict prevention(NDICI/GERF) Extent to which TEI strengthened capacities for good governance, covering the judicial, legislative and executive branches (qualitative)
  Human Development
  Education Health & Nutrition Water & Sanitation Inequalities
Impact level

GERF/SDG 4.1.1 Minimum proficiency learning

GERF/SDG 4.1.2 Completion rate, by education level

SDG 4.5.1

Gender gap in upper secondary education161

GERF/SDG 2.2.1 
Prevalence of stunting among children under 5 years of age

GERF/SDG 6.1.1 Proportion of population using safely managed drinking water services

GERF/SDG 6.2.1 Proportion of population using safely managed sanitation services

GERF/IPA PF World Bank Gini index
Outcome/ output level162

Number of students enrolled in education with TEI support:

(a) primary education, (b) secondary education, (c) tertiary education (NDICI/GERF)

Number of people to whom support is provided to help overcoming hunger and malnutrition (German standard indicator)

NB: the following NDICI/GERF indicator would contribute data from EU-funded interventions: Number of women of reproductive age, adolescent girls and children <5 reached by nutrition-related interventions with EU support and Number of food insecure people receiving assistance through interventions supported by the EU (NDICI/GERF)

Number of people with access to improved drinking water source and/or sanitation facility with TEI support (NDICI/GERF, EFSD+) Number of people directly benefiting from TEI interventions that aim to reduce social & economic inequality (GERF/IPA PF)

Factors influencing indicator selection and reporting

The monitoring of TEIs is based on existing internal monitoring tools used by the Commission and MS. Table 1 above gathers indicators in use for aggregated results monitoring and gives priority to those that the Commission and some MS already have in common, within their respective results frameworks. WG members exchanged information on their core indicators, seeking out the ones where the formulations tend to be identical or as similar as possible, while also providing an opportunity for qualitative reporting, with the aim of enabling joint aggregate reporting on results with no or minimal additional workload for partners at country level.

With any selection of indicators for a results framework, it is inevitable that aggregate reporting will not adequately cover some areas of work. For example, TEIs working on fighting organised crime may not find any relevant indicators in the list presented in Table 1. The intervention logic adopted by some country and regional TEIs may also limit the relevance of indicators selected for aggregate reporting. For example, TEIs focusing on improving policy and regulatory frameworks on renewable energy will not be able to report against the aggregate indicator for this sector, on Renewable energy generation capacity installed with TEI support (measured in MW). Qualitative inputs will be essential to raise awareness about results achieved in sectors insufficiently covered by indicators selected for aggregate reporting. A template for “Stories of Change” is provided in Annex 4. In addition, TEI members will rely on intervention-level monitoring, which is much more thorough than aggregated data, for their political steering and learning.

It should be noted that some MS do not use indicators as part of their internal monitoring systems – at institutional or project levels, or may have limited staff to involve in aggregate data collection and quality checks. Others value qualitative data – based on analysis of theories of change – over quantitative reports. In order to respond to these realities, the MORE framework foresees qualitative contributions to TEI result reporting and public information.

Lastly, the optional approach to the use of indicators recommended for aggregate reporting and public information on TEI results has implications for the availability of quantitative data. It means that the quantitative data obtained for these indicators may be more likely to cover a select group of TEI where monitoring capacities are stronger and HQ support is focused – rather than to compile a global aggregate report on TEI results. Nevertheless, in combination with qualitative data, it can constitute an illustrative report on TEI results. As noted above, greater details on results will be available in intervention-level reports.

158 Global Europe Regulation indicators refer to results achieved “with EU support” – for the purposes of this MORE framework, this has been replaced by “TEI support”. 159 Indicators marked EFSD+ are part of the EFSD+ Results Measurement Framework (ReMF).
160 Data for all indicators counting individuals will be disaggregated by sex, age group and disability status where possible and relevant.
161 These three indicators are part of the 7 benchmark indicators from the UNESCO global coordination mechanism.
162 Global Europe Regulation indicators refer to results achieved “with EU support” – for the purposes of this MORE framework, this has been replaced by “TEI support”.