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Working Better Together in a Team Europe Approach

Updated 15/07/2024 | Working Better Together in a Team Europe Approach through joint programming, joint implementation and Team Europe Initiatives Guidance

Table of contents

4. A quick guide to Team Europe Initiatives

The overall objective of this section is to provide the reader with a better understanding of the concept and scope of the TEIs, including country examples to make these definitions more tangible and based on field evidence.

More detailed guidance on how TEI core documents can be designed and monitored, as well as on how TEIs can be integrated into joint programming documents, can be found in Annex 3. More specifically, Annex 3 contains:

  • a methodological note on the design of TEIs
  • information on TEI management, steer and coordination (non-mandatory)
  • top tips on launching a TEI
  • a TEI note on financial tracking
  • information on the TEI monitoring, reporting and evaluation framework (MORE)

This Section and previous two sections (on joint programming and joint implementation respectively are not meant to be read consecutively, but as separate yet interlinked sections with overlaps, synergies and complementarities – like the processes themselves (joint programming, TEIs and joint implementation). The reader is encouraged to combine the three methods, but it is possible to prioritise the use of one over the other (as appropriate in a given context) – while also noting the aim of increasing the use of joint programming as the preferred approach, where feasible.

In a nutshell: how do Team Europe Initiatives help advance the development effectiveness principles?78
Country Ownership
Team Europe Initiative (TEI) objectives are to be aligned with the national development plan and relevant sector policy objectives.
Focus on Results
One of the core elements of a TEI is its Joint Intervention Logic (JIL), which provides the basis for regular monitoring and reporting of TEI results (see Annex 4).
Inclusive Partnerships
All relevant stakeholders (particularly partner country governments, but also private sector and civil society representatives, local authorities and other development partners) should be consulted throughout the TEI process, because partnerships and collaboration are at the heart of the Team Europe approach (see Section 3).
Transparency and Mutual Accountability
Information on TEIs can be found on the joint programming and Team Europe tracker as well as on Capacity4dev. TEIs’ transparency and accountability is further ensured through integration with existing transparency and accountability measures (e.g. annual reporting and Team Europe Explorer78bis).

78bis See the Team Europe Explorer (a one-stop shop for funding information,, the OECD Creditor Reporting System in the OECD Data Explorer (, the International Aid Transparency Initiative site ( and (