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Working Better Together in a Team Europe Approach

Updated 15/07/2024 | Working Better Together in a Team Europe Approach through joint programming, joint implementation and Team Europe Initiatives Guidance

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4.3 Conflict-sensitive engagement and Working Better Together in a Team Europe approach

The EU, on foot of the NDICI Global Europe requirements on Conflict Sensitivity has developed a form of conflict analysis called Conflict Analysis Screening (CAS). Conflict analysis is a structured analytical process that offers key insights into the risks for violent conflict and conflict dynamics in a specific area, country or region. While the analytical approach remains flexible to accommodate different timelines and environments, key elements of the analysis generally include: 1) Key conflict drivers and actors; 2) Scenarios; 3) A conflict sensitivity risk assessment); 4) 6) recommendations to ensure conflict-sensitive engagement and opportunities for conflict prevention and peacebuilding. Conflict-sensitive programming is a deliberate and systematic practice that aims at minimising or reducing any negative impacts of interventions on peace and conflict dynamics in areas of intervention.

Conflict sensitivity is generally defined as follows (EU Guidance Note on Conflict Analysis, 2020):

  • Apply the do no harm principle and approach in all contexts.
  • Understand the complexities, risks and opportunities in the given context.
  • Understand the possible interactions between the (proposed) interventions and the context (and vice versa), in terms of potential to worsen conflict or conflict risks by exacerbating tensions and divisions or heightening risks of increasing fragility and likelihood to do harm.
  • This understanding should accordingly inform the design, implementation, monitoring and (where possible) adaptation of such actions.
  • Minimise negative effects and maximise the contributions of development interventions towards positive peace, conflict prevention and resilience.

=> More guidance about conflict sensitivity can be found in the ’Conflict Sensitivity Guidance Notes170.

170 Conflict Sensitivity Guidance notes, DG INTPA, 2021…- commission - EU Guidance Note on Conflict Analysis 2020 -