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Working Better Together in a Team Europe Approach

Updated 15/07/2024 | Working Better Together in a Team Europe Approach through joint programming, joint implementation and Team Europe Initiatives Guidance

Table of contents

4.7 The core elements and phases of Team Europe Initiatives

The regional African TEI on Manufacturing and Access to Vaccines, Medicines and Health Technologies in Africa (MAV+) focuses on both the supply and demand sides of vaccines, medicines and health technology, while at the same time also creating an enabling environment to underpin pharmaceutical systems. In order to do so, the TEI focuses on a number of points, including industrial development; shaping the market and trade facilitation; strengthening the regulatory framework; technology transfer and intellectual property management; access to finance; and research and development and skills development. The implementation of this TEI involves a wide range of tools and financial instruments to address the complexity of the issue (e.g. loans, grants, budget support, blended finance and twinning). This mix creates the proper environment for private sector involvement and complementarity of actions. MAV+ efforts (public grants and DFI funding) are complemented by private self-financed initiatives.

Core phases of Team Europe Initiatives

Figure 14: Core phases of Team Europe Initiatives

TEIs are far from being classic projects, but they do follow a cycle similar to the classic project management cycle.

For each phase of this cycle, a specific non-prescriptive set of guidance documents has been developed, which is annexed to the present core guidance (Annex 3). More specifically, the following is included in the annex:

  • detailed guidance on TEI core elements and phases – overview and country examples
    • Phase 1: design and formulation phase
      • Step 1: concept note
      • Step 2: Joint intervention logic
      • Step 3: indicative financial contributions
    • Phase 2: implementation phase
    • Phase 3: financial tracking
    • Phase 4: monitoring, reporting and evaluation (MORE)
  • methodological note on the design of TEIs.
  • management, steer and coordination of TEIs
  • top tips on launching a TEI
  • financial tracking
  • monitoring, reporting and evaluation of TEIs.

In the previous chapter and in Chapter 1.3, all relevant guidance and many examples can be found on how to involve other partners during the different phases of the TEI design and implementation process, in order to ensure ownership.