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Working Better Together in a Team Europe Approach

Updated 15/07/2024 | Working Better Together in a Team Europe Approach through joint programming, joint implementation and Team Europe Initiatives Guidance

Table of contents

4.7.4. Monitoring, reporting and evaluation

The TEI monitoring, reporting and evaluation (MORE) framework (see Annex 4.5) has been developed and drafted by the Working Group on Team Europe Initiatives (TEI) Monitoring and Evaluation in a flexible and light way so that the EU and Member States can build on and make use of their usual standards and practices.

Within the MORE framework, the monitoring of TEIs should take place at two levels: at the level of individual TEIs, and across TEIs (including reporting on regional and thematic TEIs).

  • At the individual TEI level, the monitoring and reporting of the various components will be done according to the usual standards and practices of the Team Europe participants concerning their respective individual activities within the TEI (they should communicate these to each other). Every TEI’s members could also do joint monitoring activities (e.g. updating the JIL; recording its indicator values; and assessing the relevance, efficiency and added value of the Team Europe approach). Designated TEI leads or support secretariats (where applicable) can help (e.g. by helping to gather the information from all TEI participants). It is advisable for reporting exercises to be linked to existing reporting (e.g. annual development partner reports) and to comply with EU GAP III requirements91.
  • Monitoring and reporting across the TEIs will be done annually at the HQ level using a limited number of indicators linked to the SDGs and broader EU strategic objectives (the EU Global Europe Results Framework – GERF – indicators (including gender-related indicators); and a number of global indicators already used by Member States for their reporting). This reporting will be used mainly for institutional reporting as well as for public information and communication purposes. A list of 21 impact and 14 outcome/output indicators has been prioritised by the working group for this level of reporting (see Table 1 in the annexed MORE framework). It is recommended that TEI participants choose at least one impact and one outcome/ output indicator from this list, when relevant, for inclusion in their TEI’s JIL. For the selected outcome/ output indicators, progress data agreed and compiled within the TEI will be submitted via Opsys. TEIs can also provide qualitative data in the form of ‘Stories of Change’ (the template is in the annexed MORE guidance). Support secretariats at country level can help EU Delegations and TEI leads to gather the relevant information from TEI participants for the annual aggregate reporting exercise.

TEI participants should consider the options of a joint mid-term and a joint final TEI evaluation. At partner country level, continuous monitoring can be done through joint TEI project visits and by documenting TEI meetings.

As with TEI implementation, monitoring should also be inclusive and participatory. Relevant stakeholders (from national governments to civil society organisations, the private sector and local governments when relevant, etc.) can therefore be invited to provide their feedback on TEI monitoring report(s). This can help check the national statistical picture against the realities on the ground and highlight the priorities to be addressed going forward. See Section 3 for more information.

91 See Annex 5.2 on TEIs, Joint programming and the EU Gender Action Plan