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Working Better Together in a Team Europe Approach

Updated 15/07/2024 | Working Better Together in a Team Europe Approach through joint programming, joint implementation and Team Europe Initiatives Guidance

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6.5 How can contributions from (European) Development Financing Institutions ((E)DFIs) be taken into account?

The joint mechanism will naturally take (E)DFIs’ disbursements for TEIs into account, preferably through the respective Member State’s reporting to the CRS: (E)DFIs and ministries are expected to work together to ensure that the CRS reports prepared by the ministries accurately include the (E)DFIs’ contributions to TEIs, being as comprehensive as possible. In those cases where (E)DFIs’ TEI contributions cannot be captured in the CRS, an exceptional manual collection of such data through the respective Member State’s ministry to complement the CRS data could be envisaged. It will be important to ensure that the data on funding provided by or implemented by the (E)DFIs will be coherent with data gathered in ministries internally (i.e. comprehensive and without double-counting). Similarly, there must also be no double-counting with the Commission’s reporting.