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Working Better Together

Working Better Together as Team Europe Through joint programming and joint implementation Guidance

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Section 1: Team Europe




Working Better Together as Team Europe
Through joint programming and joint implementation


A tool to help EU Delegations work better together with Member States as Team Europe and with like-minded partners and country stakeholders, through joint programming and implementation.



Team Europe

Team Europe consists of the European Union, the EU Member States — including their implementing agencies and public development banks —, as well as the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).

Since its launch as part of the EU’s global response to the Covid-19 pandemic in April 2020, the concept of Team Europe has been incorporated into the working better together approach, in order to further improve the coherence and coordination of efforts, notably at partner country level.


The Team Europe approach

The Team Europe approach applies both internationally and at country level and is an inclusive process open to all EU Member States, their implementing organisations and financing institutions. In a changing geopolitical context, Team Europe is about establishing a leading role on the global stage, protecting our interests and promoting our values. Team Europe is also about branding EU interventions and creating more visibility, especially through the use of the Team Europe visual identity package. The Team Europe approach stands for impact, innovation and overall coherence. It sends a strong message of European partnership and solidarity to build back better, making sustainable recovery and the achievement of the SDGs a reality and showing that multilateralism works. But most of all, Team Europe is about pulling resources together and better coordinating, to ensure that collectively we achieve the greatest sustainable impact and transformational change.

Team Europe can represent the common positions and objectives of its constituent parts at country or international level wherever there is a joint agreement to do so. While its core membership is delineated, Team Europe can establish and agree working relationships with like-minded partners, internationally or in a specific country, depending on the need.


Team Europe and programming

The Team Europe approach is one of the guiding principles for the EU Multiannual Indicative Programmes (MIPs) and an essential part of the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument (NDICI) programming guidelines. It aims to provide a strategic European response to the multiple challenges faced by our partner countries and is translated and framed at country level through the joint programming preference for country programming. Drawing on the wealth of Team Europe’s collective experience, expertise and resources, the Team Europe approach provides an opportunity to combine the most appropriate mix of implementing modalities to obtain maximum results in joint programming and joint implementation, including through Team Europe Initiatives.


Team Europe Initiatives

Team Europe Initiatives (TEI) are the flagship of the Team Europe approach. They deliver concrete results for partner countries, in line with their strategic and national priorities, and promote the ‘Team Europe’ brand. The joint analysis leading to the identification of a TEI at country level should identify a critical priority (bottleneck) that is limiting development and where a coordinated and coherent effort by Team Europe would ensure a transformative impact. The design, financing and implementation of TEIs are open to all members of Team Europe following an inclusive approach, to make the best use of European expertise and resources. TEIs should also bring together the best possible mix of modalities, tools and partners (e.g. CSOs and private sector) to deliver the intended impact. TEIs are underpinned by the EU’s political and policy priorities and guide the programming of EU funds; they are financed both from the EU budget — and are therefore guided by NDICI programming guidelines —, and from the relevant financial resources of the participating EU Member States. The joint programming processes at country level should reflect and incorporate the Team Europe Initiatives, and, in turn, TEIs that are identified should feed into the ongoing and future joint programming processes.

Team Europe Initiatives can also be multi-country or regional, when synergies and efficiency at this level can be secured.



Each section or chapter may be used separately to fulfil a specific need for guidance, which means there may be some overlap between the different parts of the document.

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