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Child Rights Mainstreaming in
Programme and Project Cycle Management

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In conclusion, mainstreaming Child Rights into EC Programmes through CRBA:

  • Uses the CRC standards and principles as the guiding framework

  • Aims to reduce disparity among children in how they enjoy their rights by targeting resources towards rights-fulfilment for the most marginalised girls and boys

  • Analyses and addresses the immediate, underlying and root causes of child rights violations using age/gender analysis

  • Empowers girls and boys as rights holders and claim makers for their rights

  • Empowers women and men as duty bearers responsible for respecting, protecting and fulfilling child rights

  • Supports the effective functioning of the duty-bearer-rights-holder relationship

  • Recognises girls and boys as key development actors and supports their participation in decision-making that affects them

  • Combines efforts in direct service delivery, capacity development, and policy dialogue at different levels of intervention (family, community, local, national, international)