On the occasion of International Day of Education, Capacity4dev Ambassador Tatiana Margalitadze, Expert-Lawyer on Human Rights Protection at the Georgian Development Foundation, shares some insights into the world of international...

On the occasion of International Day of Education, Capacity4dev Ambassador Tatiana Margalitadze, Expert-Lawyer on Human Rights Protection at the Georgian Development Foundation, shares some insights into the world of international...
For World Children’s Day, the Capacity4dev team produced an article on the project ‘Supporting the right to quality education for vulnerable Syrian and host community children and youth,’ implemented in Lebanon by a consortium led...
On the occasion of International Youth Day, the Capacity4dev team is proud to share a video interview with Ukrainian youth activists Anastasiia Pasalska and Daryna Ivchenko, and Louise Allen, Head of Policy, Advocacy and...
The sixth episode of the Capacity4dev Podcast Series is now live!
The fifth episode of the Capacity4dev Podcast Series is now live!
On International Day for Biological Diversity, our Capacity4dev Ambassador Enrique Andrés del Castillo shares his insights on the crucial role of youth activism in ensuring the future of biodiversity and ecosystems.
On the occasion of International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace, the Capacity4dev Team worked on an article highlighting the importance of young people’s contribution to peacebuilding and reconstruction, especially...
On World Creativity and Innovation Day, I invite you to think out of the box: how can we harness the power of innovation and creativity to carve out new solutions to intricate challenges, such as gender stereotypes and inequality?
Antes del Foro UE-América Latina y el Caribe con los jóvenes, la sociedad civil y las autoridades locales de los días 13 y 14 de julio de 2023, y la Cumbre birregional entre la UE y la Comunidad de Estados de América Latina y el...
Avant le Forum UE-Amérique latine et Caraïbes avec la jeunesse, la société civile et les autorités locales les 13 et 14 juillet 2023, et le Sommet birégional UE-Communauté des États latino-américains et des Caraïbes (UE-CELAC) les...