Despite important investments, educational outcomes in South Africa still have a long way to go. From programmes targeting early-childhood development to life-skill workshops, we discussed EU involvement in the country with Arno...
Engager le Secteur Privé en tant que Partie Prenante Active dans l’Enseignement et la Formation Professionnels Dans les pays en voie de développement, 90% des emplois sont générés par le secteur privé. Par conséquent, des liens...
A five-day workshop on the organisation of informal workers has been organised by the Research, Network & Support Facility (RNSF) in December 2017 in Peru. Organising is at the core of the actions and policies designed to...
VET Toolbox is an international facility aiming to improve the effectiveness of Vocational Education and Training (VET) systems by making them opportunity-driven, turning investments into drivers for inclusive economic growth, social development, and decent job creation.
The CLARITY project is addressing the challenges that exclude women, youth, and people with disabilities from equally benefiting from the extractive sector in Tanzania's Lake Zone districts.
I Am European – Estonian journalist pushes legislators to better protect migrant workers' rights. Investigating multi-fold human rights violations, she wins a media prize and supports foreign labourers. Investigative journalist...
SOLiD-South Mediterranean Social Dialogue is a three-year programme (2016-2018) with a budget of 3.750 million Euros, funded up to 80% by the European Union. It is coordinated by a consortium of 10 partners. The major political