The Development Partners Network on Decentralisation and Local Governance (DeLoG) is offering a three day learning event to DeLoG members addressing the topics of Decentralisation and Local Governance (DLG) in the context of fragility. Hosted by VNG International and implemented by The Hague Academy for Local Governance, the event will provide an overview on international thinking and practical experiences regarding the nexus of decentralization, local governance and fragility.

INTPA/ESS Initiatives
Welcome to these pages of the Evaluation Support Service to the DG INTPA (previously DG DEVCO) of the European Commission! We support EU Delegations and INTPA Units to get the most out of evaluations. On these pages you will find three initiatives that are open to the wider evaluation community: EvalCrisis – a rich collection of resources to guide evaluators and evaluation commissioners through the challenges of evaluation in times of global crisis Disseminating evaluations – guidance on the creative dissemination of evaluation results to help you communicate well and reach a wide audience Evaluation in hard-to-reach areas (HRA) – a collection of resources based on a series of conferences on data collection in areas where access is difficult The ESS support the Evaluation section of INTPA Unit D4 in the delivery of the following service components: a. Advisory service on all aspects of evaluation methodology and processes; these services are directed towards INTPA Headquarters' Units and EU Delegations. b. Specific evaluation-related services to the Monitoring and Evaluation Focal Points; c. Quality Assurance service; d. Service to promote knowledge uptake and innovative evaluation practice within DG INTPA.