Successful women entrepreneurs are fighting to create economic opportunities for those looking to follow their example and close the gap on gender inequality. Economic experts believe that an increase in women participating in...
Gender equality - women's rights
Gender policy
Women's empowerment
Women's organisations
Private Sector
Research for Private sector development and industry
Les membres de la communauté Capacity4dev encouragent les relations entre l'Europe et ses partenaires à l'échelle mondiale et contribuent à l'élaboration de solutions éthiques pour l'industrie textile. En tant que champion de l...
Members of the Capacity4dev community are fostering relationships between Europe and its partners on a global scale and assisting in the development of ethical solutions for the textile industry. As a champion of innovation...
Los miembros de la comunidad Capacity4dev están fomentando las relaciones entre Europa y sus socios a escala mundial y ayudando en el desarrollo de soluciones éticas para la industria textil. Como paladín de la innovación...
Les villes hébergent plus de la moitié de la population mondiale et représentent 80% de la production économique mondiale. Elles ouvrent la voie en tant que pionniers sur les questions de durabilité, en développant des solutions...
Cities are home to more than half of the world’s population and 80% of the global economic output. They lead the way as pioneers on sustainability issues, developing innovative solutions for environmental, social and economic...
7 July 2021. Contractual relationships and contracting arrangements in the agrifood sector by COLEACP and the Foundation for World Agriculture and Rurality (FARM foundation) See agenda In commercial agriculture, contracts...
30 June 2021. High-level Conference on Sustainable Cocoa in Ghana. (Passcode: 349159) The objective of the high-level conference was to take stock of the dialogue in Ghana on each of the topics covered during the roundtable...
Trade Fair Live Fair (TFLF) is the ambitious project of the Fair Trade and Ethical Fashion movements across Europe to join forces to foster more resilient livelihoods for the producers and workers behind many of the products that...