This year’s theme for World Environment Day puts the focus on land restoration, desertification and drought resilience with the slogan “Our land. Our Future. We are #GenerationRestoration.” According to data from the UN, up to 40%...
Three lessons on tackling corruption and strengthening governance
The Capacity4dev team worked with INTPA.G.1 and provides lessons learnt about how to strengthen democratic governance and tackle corruption.
Fighting ‘sextortion’ in Latin America
Latin American countries are progressively incorporating a gender perspective into anti-corruption strategies. They are also developing specific tools to protect women and girls from gender-related violence. The European Union...
PFD Africa: Taking stock of EU and African Union partnership
Between 8 and 10 October 2018, representatives of civil society organisations, the private sector and local authorities from across Africa gathered in Gaborone for the third Regional Meeting Africa of the Policy Forum on...
Digitalisation and development: Overcoming challenges with a rights-based approach
Over the last 20 years, digital technologies have reshaped the scope of international development. From the Internet of things and open data to artificial intelligence and robotics, emerging technologies have presented...
Views from the Field: Q&A with Thierry Cozier, EU Head of Cooperation in Sierra Leone
Over two years since the Ebola crisis, Sierra Leone has seen modest recovery while continuing to struggle with the legacy of its civil war. EU Head of Cooperation, Thierry Cozier, discusses the challenges of addressing food...
Civil registration: Towards a holistic approach
With over a billion people unregistered and lacking proper identification globally, civil registration has an essential role to play in development. The benefits to be gained from a functioning civil registration system are...
Views from the Field: In conversation with Madeleine Onclin, former EU Head of Cooperation in Honduras
With €235 million allocated for the 2014-2020 period, Honduras represents the second largest EU portfolio in Latin America, after Bolivia. Former EU Head of Cooperation (2015-2017), Madeleine Onclin, discusses rule of law and...
Tax Justice for Development – Tackling Spillovers and Incentives
Domestic resource mobilization is high on the development agenda, and revolves around how developing countries can raise more revenues through their own tax systems and natural resource management. The idea is to create a less aid...
EU-Honduras Timber Negotiations Strengthen Fight against Illegal Logging
If you have ever been to Honduras, you will know that it is one of the greenest countries in Central America. Forestry has had a long history there and continues to be an important source of energy for the impoverished rural...