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Results (3)
Presentation of Capacity4dev

From the ground up: The long road to social protection in Somalia

Voices & Views

Most of the humanitarian response in Somalia remains focused on short-term assistance that doesn’t address the underlying causes of poverty and vulnerability among Somali communities. The growing consensus among international...

Humanitarian Aid
Humanitarian - development transition - LRRD
Reconstruction relief and rehabilitation
Social Protection
Defining social protection programmes
Decent work and labour marked policies
Social services
Presentation of Capacity4dev

Beyond cash transfers: Social protection in fragile contexts

Voices & Views

Four-fifths of humanitarian crises now last five years or more, causing traditional short-term responses to become increasingly recurrent. It is therefore important to start thinking long-term while responding to immediate needs.

Humanitarian Aid
Humanitarian - development transition - LRRD
Social Protection
Decent work and labour marked policies
Social services
Monique Pariat, Director-General of ECHO

Social protection and humanitarian actors: Q&A with Monique Pariat, Director-General of ECHO

Voices & Views

According to Monique Pariat, the Director-General of the European Commission’s humanitarian arm ECHO, social protection can be a bridge between humanitarian and development approaches, helping the most vulnerable populations in a...

Humanitarian Aid
Humanitarian - development transition - LRRD
Social Protection
Decent work and labour marked policies
Social services