In May 2022, projects funded by the Lives in Dignity Grant Facility were joined by Simar Singh and Ned Meerdink from Refuge Point to talk about the Refugee Self-Reliance Initiative. You can find out more about the Refugee Self...
Incentivizing the self-reliance of displaced people through the granting process – lessons from the Lives in Dignity Grant Facility The Lives in Dignity Grant Facility, founded by the EU and managed by UNOPS since 2020, has been...
The Lives in Dignity Grant Facility Strategy was drafted by UNOPS based on consultations with stakeholders and the Lives in Dignity Grant Facility Advisory Board. This is a working document, and this strategy will be revised...
The presented document follows up on the previous political document from the Ambrela workshop entitled ‘Development and Humanitarian Activities of the Slovak Republic in the Middle East in response to the Syrian Crisis,’ which...
A briefing paper published this week by NRC: 'The Kampala Convention: Make it work for women', aims to improve protection for displaced women and girls. It is based on NRC’s legal assistance (ICLA) programmes in South Sudan...
The study seeks to assess whether institutional reforms of the humanitarian system (such as those carried out through the cluster approach) have improved IDP protection and assistance, as well as the extent to which national...
"Communiqués, CFM, 18.12.2014:La CFM demande un nouveau statut de protection pour les migrants forcésUne étude réalisée sur mandat de la CFM montre que le nombre de personnes qui ont été forcées à quitter leur lieu de résidence...
A new study, commisioned by the Swiss Federal Commission on Migration and undertaken by Roger Zetter, asking for a new protection status for forced migrants (other than refugees)La CFM demande un nouveau statut de protection pour...
Les présents Principes directeurs visent à répondre aux besoins particuliers des personnes déplacées à l'intérieur de leur propre pays à travers le monde. Y sont identifiés les droits et les garanties concernant la protection des...
In relation to the phenomena of internal displacement (a case of forced migration) the foundation document is the Guiding Principles for Internal Displacement (approved in 1998 by the UN General Assembly). These 30 Guiding...