This report evaluates the degree of the usage of electronic documents and paperless procedures along all stages of the supply chain in international trade and logistics in the EaP Partner Countries, as part of the EU initiative on...
This brochure aims at summarising the findings of evaluations of three international trade-assistance programmes implemented by the European Commission and the ACP Secretariatover the period 2002-2014: Integration to the...
Le but principal de l’étude est de soutenir l’intégration économique régionale en Afrique en identifiant le rôle et l’influence des organismes du secteur privé dans les développements de l’intégration régionale, en analysant les...
The overall aim of the study is to support regional economic integration in Africa through the identification of the role and influence of private sector organizations in such regional integration developments, an analysis of...
The attached document presents the key elements of the sector of standards. Mr. Hervé Gauthier, Programme Manager, International Cooperation at the CEN, European Committee for Standardization outlines the main elements of the...