Are you an international cooperation professional and need a place to collaborate with colleagues, share knowledge, store documents, and much more? Capacity4dev is your one-stop shop for all your collaboration and information-sharing...
The Capacity4dev editorial team regularly publishes knowledge pieces on external cooperation (projects and policies), featuring development professionals sharing good practices, with operational insight.
Des villes pour le commerce équitable: Des alliances pour une chaîne de chocolat durable
Les villes hébergent plus de la moitié de la population mondiale et représentent 80% de la production économique mondiale. Elles ouvrent la voie en tant que pionniers sur les questions de durabilité, en développant des solutions...
Promoción de la producción y el consumo sostenibles en América Latina
Los patrones de consumo y de producción no sostenibles se encuentran en el centro de la triple crisis planetaria: cambio climático, pérdida de biodiversidad y contaminación La degradación medioambiental se ha vuelto aún más...
Empowering rural women to achieve sustainable wildlife management
Women and girls are at the heart of rural communities worldwide. Their contribution to ending poverty and ensuring food security is fundamental. They also play a critical role in natural resource management and can influence how...
Empoderando a niños y jóvenes en América Latina y el Caribe
El mundo celebra el aniversario de la Declaración de los Derechos del Niño adoptada el 20 de noviembre de 1959 por la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas. Aunque una de cada tres personas en todo el mundo es un menor, la...
Cross-border collaboration in Middle East for Environmental Sustainability
The Middle East has faced political tension, military conflicts and other disputes for many years. It is, as a result, a region with one of the most enduring conflicts in the world. The EU has set out its policy on the Middle East...
Promoviendo el comercio legal de madera y la gobernanza forestal sostenible en Guatemala
La tala ilegal de árboles es un problema mundial con un importante impacto negativo en el ámbito económico, medioambiental y social. Los países socios de todo el mundo, incluida la región de América Latina, han emprendido acciones...
La culture ne cède pas au COVID-19 au Mali
A l’heure où l’humanité compte près d’1 million de morts du COVID-19, un monde retient son souffle, c’est celui de la culture. Les salles de cinémas, de spectacles, de théâtres ainsi que les musées, les opéras et les festivals...
Promoting LGBTIQ Rights in India
In various parts of the world, LGBTIQ people experience serious rights violations and abuses. As of today, 70 States continue to criminalise same-sex consensual relationships. The COVID-19 crisis has only exacerbated such...
The challenges of implementing the Sustainable Development Goals in Asia
Stakeholders from all over Asia met for the Asia Regional Meeting of the Policy Forum on Development to discuss the state of play of SDG implementation in the region.
View from India: When Technical Cooperation is not the Path to Capacity Development
Capacity development and sustainable results are the key objectives of all European Commission assistance to partner countries, but traditional technical cooperation is not the default route for getting there. In India, the EC...