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Increase your knowledge on development practices and policies, and read about lessons learnt from development professionals working around the world.


Results (96)
Environment day

Countering environmental crime: data collection, elite corruption exposure and community engagement

Voices & Views

This year’s theme for World Environment Day puts the focus on land restoration, desertification and drought resilience with the slogan “Our land. Our Future. We are #GenerationRestoration.” According to data from the UN, up to 40%...

Biodiversity & Ecosystem
Civil Society
Climate change & disaster risks
Environment & green economy
Governance & Corruption
Justice & rule of law
International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace

The role of the youth in international partnerships: the case of Ukraine and youth participation in reconstruction efforts

Voices & Views

On the occasion of International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace, the Capacity4dev Team worked on an article highlighting the importance of young people’s contribution to peacebuilding and reconstruction, especially...

Children and Youth
Development Policy
Fragility, Crisis Situations & Resilience
Humanitarian Aid
Peace and Security

Global Gateway Series : L'éthique fait fureur dans l'industrie textile

Voices & Views

Les membres de la communauté Capacity4dev encouragent les relations entre l'Europe et ses partenaires à l'échelle mondiale et contribuent à l'élaboration de solutions éthiques pour l'industrie textile. En tant que champion de l...

Environment & green economy
Green trade
Trade & Economic Integration
Fair Trade
Trade Policy

Global Gateway Series: Ethics is The New Black in the Textile Industry

Voices & Views

Members of the Capacity4dev community are fostering relationships between Europe and its partners on a global scale and assisting in the development of ethical solutions for the textile industry. As a champion of innovation...

Environment & green economy
Green trade
Trade & Economic Integration
Fair Trade
Trade Policy

Serie Global Gateway: La ética es la nueva moda en la industria textil

Voices & Views

Los miembros de la comunidad Capacity4dev están fomentando las relaciones entre Europa y sus socios a escala mundial y ayudando en el desarrollo de soluciones éticas para la industria textil. Como paladín de la innovación...

Environment & green economy
Green trade
Trade & Economic Integration
Fair Trade
Trade Policy

Global Gateway Series: inteligencia artificial (IA) y el futuro de la asistencia sanitaria

Voices & Views

La Cuarta Revolución Industrial ya no es el pronóstico abstracto de un futuro lejano, sino una realidad que hemos empezado a experimentar en nuestra vida cotidiana. Desde nuestros relojes inteligentes hasta la telemedicina y las...

Health in fragile contexts
Health information systems
Medical research

Global Gateway Series : L'intelligence artificielle (IA) et l'avenir des soins de santé

Voices & Views

La quatrième révolution industrielle n'est plus une prévision abstraite pour un avenir lointain, mais une réalité que nous avons commencé à vivre dans notre vie quotidienne. De nos montres connectées á la télémédecine en passant...

Health in fragile contexts
Health information systems
Medical research

Global Gateway Series: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the future of healthcare

Voices & Views

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is no longer the abstract forecast of a faraway future, but a reality we have begun to experience in our everyday lives. From our smartwatches to telemedicine and more complex technological...

Health in fragile contexts
Health information systems
Medical research
Presentation of Capacity4dev

Discover what you can do on Capacity4dev

Voices & Views

Who Capacity4dev is for and how can it be helpful for me ?

Intervention Cycle Management (Project/Program Cycle Management)
Knowledge Management

Serie Global Gateway: La movilidad sostenible se vuelve rural

Voices & Views

En todo el mundo, los miembros de la comunidad Capacity4dev están fortaleciendo las conexiones entre Europa y los países socios, desarrollando soluciones eficaces para la movilidad universal. Como plataforma de promoción de la...

Agriculture & Rural Development
Land governance and management
Rural development
Sustainable Land management
Transport & Infrastructure
Urban Development
Urban mobility