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Increase your knowledge on development practices and policies, and read about lessons learnt from development professionals working around the world.
Results (4)
young woman working

Los emprendedores sociales del mañana: invertir en competencias para jóvenes en el Caribe

Voices & Views

Antes del Foro UE-América Latina y el Caribe con los jóvenes, la sociedad civil y las autoridades locales de los días 13 y 14 de julio de 2023, y la Cumbre birregional entre la UE y la Comunidad de Estados de América Latina y el...

Americas & the Caribbean
Saint Lucia
Children and Youth
Youth employment, skills and entrepreneurship
Youth employment
young girl working

Les entrepreneurs sociaux de demain : Investir dans les compétences des jeunes aux Caraïbes

Voices & Views

Avant le Forum UE-Amérique latine et Caraïbes avec la jeunesse, la société civile et les autorités locales les 13 et 14 juillet 2023, et le Sommet birégional UE-Communauté des États latino-américains et des Caraïbes (UE-CELAC) les...

Americas & the Caribbean
Saint Lucia
Youth employment, skills and entrepreneurship
Youth employment
Children and Youth
young girl working

The Social Entrepreneurs of Tomorrow: Investing in youth skills in the Caribbean

Voices & Views

Did you know July 15th is World Youth Skills Day? Ahead of the EU-Latin America and the Caribbean Forum with Youth, Civil Society and Local Authorities on 13 and 14 July 2023, and the EU-Community of Latin American and Caribbean...

Saint Lucia
Americas & the Caribbean
Children and Youth
Youth employment, skills and entrepreneurship
Youth employment

How Three Young People are Driving Change Around the World

Voices & Views

Young people are not just leaders of the future – they are leaders of today. With more than half the world’s population under 30, the vast majority in emerging and developing economies, young people have a crucial role to play in...

Children and Youth
Youth engagement and participation