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DEVCO trainee Alain de Raymond recently asked Harry Verhoeven his overview on the future of South Sudan, shared here in a short video by Mr de Raymond.  

Harry Verhoeven's research focuses mainly on the politics of water and agriculture in Sudan (and their link with political-economic evolutions).  He also writes on Ethiopia, Congo (DR), Uganda and Rwanda, concentrating in particular on regional conflict, the internal dynamics of regimes& rebel movements and natural resources. He is also the Convenor of the Oxford University China-Africa Network (OUCAN) and Oxford Central Africa Forum (OCAF).


Comments (1)


An interesting video but I beg to differ in relation to your pessimism for the future. Yes there are problems to be solved at present, some very serious, but the factors that influence the future of a country are, in my view, more to be found internally than externally. I would rather look at the quality of political leadership, resilence of the people, availability of resources, and relationships with key neighbours (in this case Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya). These are things that really influence the future and in my personal view I think South Sudan is well-placed in all these areas.
